
The client: All Points Relocation

All Points is a long-time partner. Led by Audrey Adams and Michael Deane, All Points is a proudly Canadian relocation service provider with over 35 years of history and 60 caring professionals dedicated to corporate relocation.

They support HR with relocation policy, practice design and management. And even provide your company with all the reports it needs to be on top of costs and taxes.

Our work with them started long before Abrisuite ever existed, in 2014. At the time, our co-founder Ray Payne already offered some IT services and started working with All Points to implement system integration for relocation purposes.

Challenge: physical servers and legacy software

At the time, All Points did have an IT sector. However, most of their servers were physical. Combining that with the lack of password management meant staff could only work locally. One of the main problems was their workflow system, ArcGIS. Their version was discontinued, and there was a lack of maintenance support.

In All Points’ case, the lack of system integration could be a security problem. Working with large companies, they relocate hundreds of individuals and their families, aiding in finding new housing and schools. All their information needed to be secure and only accessible for those who needed it.

Also, big businesses hiring All Points to handle their corporate relocation usually expect some level of compliance to security — as well as insurance companies, and it was our job to provide the groundwork for adding cybersecurity procedures.

Key Outcomes

System integration for this relocation company was achieved mostly by implementing cloud servers, ticket support for staff, and a virtual private network (VPN), allowing workers to connect to the servers even when physically away.

This increased productivity overall but especially helped in three key aspects:

1. A more secure environment

System integration for this relocation company was achieved mostly by implementing cloud servers, ticket support for staff, and a virtual private network (VPN), allowing workers to connect to the servers even when physically away.

This increased productivity overall but especially helped in three key aspects:

When the Covid pandemic arrived, All Points had the technical structure for remote work. And while they most worked locally before, the relocation business often needed people to work away from the office. With servers on the cloud and password management for employers, work from home was already possible long before 2020.

This increased productivity overall but especially helped in three key aspects:

2. Groundwork for remote work

3. Continued support

All software eventually need to be replaced, but that can take time and face resistance from the staff. What we were able to offer was support to legacy software, like the workflow management ArcGIS, delaying updates and allowing All Points to make an easier transition.

This increased productivity overall but especially helped in three key aspects:

Where we are now

Since then, our system integration solutions for All Points have been redesigned a few times, keeping up with updates and compliance regulations. We also have provided cybersecurity and digital marketing services alongside our partners, and are beginning to work with workflow management.

Do you also need system integration solutions for your company? Feel free to reach out to us and schedule a consultation.