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Transform your company with Artificial Intelligence and Automate your Growth

Businesses are Reopening in Canada: now what?

Canadian most populated province, Ontario, is reopening after a year and a half after the Covid-19 pandemic stroke. Sunday, July 11th, marked the reopening of the economy, return of some outdoor activities and businesses. Other provinces and the Canadian border are also on the schedule to reopen.

This, however, does not mean that your company can simply go back to 2019’s procedures. There is the need to adapt to the new, post-Covid situation.

Reopening: time for improvement

Businesses are now working in an era where having a strong digital presence is critical for success and survival. A strong digital presence is a contributing factor to the growth of many SMEs. With limited marketing resources, SMEs must be strategic in their use of technology to maximize the effect.

Along with a strong digital presence, enhanced business processes and automation can make a difference. When Covid-19 hit, companies that were used to operating online had the upper hand.

That is why you should invest in technology and enhancing your business while the economy is reopening. The Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC) has the perfect financing options for these improvements.

You can check Technology financing and Equipment purchases financing at the BDC website.

Vaccines are progressively allowing public health restrictions to be lifted across the country. However, they are insufficient on their own to significantly improve growth in the aftermath of the economic destruction that happened in the spring of last year. That is why we suggest looking for these loans and learning more about digital marketing and automation services.

Interior of a store. White woman with black hair and a white face mask looks through a clothing rack - Canadian economy is reopening.
Business need to follow health recommendations in this reopening. Photo by Arturo Rey on Unsplash.

Health Protocols for Reopening

Businesses need to prepare economically while following health recommendations. The city of Toronto prepared some guidelines of how businesses should prepare for the reopening.

Among the guidelines are

  • Reduced indoor events and social gatherings with up to 25 people;
  • Outdoor organized events with up to 100 people;
  • Businesses should review their HVAC systems;
  • Indoor sports are permitted to a maximum of 50% capacity;
  • Retail stores and personal care services need to ensure a physical distance of two metres inside;
  • Indoor and outdoor concert venues, theatres and cinemas with spectators are permitted with reduced capacity.

You can check the country-wide recovery and reopening tracker at the McCarthy Tetrault website.

Contact us for a consultation about your business improvement and technology implementation: www.abrisuite.com/contact-us/